Sunday, May 24, 2009

More pics...

What are you looking at?

Who is the cutest baby boy? I am!!

I love bath time!!

Does my armpit stink, nope and now I got my arm caught above my head!

Little bit of Wisky in Texas!

This past Friday Robin's parents arrived in the Big D to make their first official "Landon" visit. They couldn't have been more excited and have truly showered him in love and constant attention. But they also have made sure to give enough attention to Munchie and she has even decided to sleep in the guest bedroom with them. How Benedict Arnold of her, don't you think? This past week Landon gained a full pound bringing him to 8.6 and gets more active and aware by the day. He is very routine when it comes to feeding and is now drinking around 24 oz. of milk a day. He loves to take car rides in the Bimmer, he likes to ride in style! We wanted to get some pics posted from his first official bath, with Mom and Dad T, and misc. pics. Enjoy!
Love the Tetzlaff's
Robin, Brooke, Landon, and Munchie

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Landon Loving Life

Mom, Munchie, & Landon spending quality time on the couch.
We bought a shirt for Landon that says "I'd Rather be Naked" I cannot figure out why we bought that!
Good morning family, I get up early and my spot is taken by baby and dog typical!!
Landon what are you doing in the fruit bowl? Obviously he is not happy sharing his space with the oranges!

Landon with "Uncle" Jay! Look how happy he looks, you can tell Jay is no rookie, he must have kiddos at home.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Return of Woodstock!!

Woodstock is an inside joke between Mom & Dad McNeely and us. When Brooke was born her few strands of hair stood straight up and they nicknamed her Woodstock. I just recently saw the picture and heard the story and thought it was the perfect childhood nickname. Today after his nap we find another generation Woodstock. I had to get a quick picture and post Brooke's baby pic and Landon's new "look".

The Tetzlaff Family
Robin, Woodstock, Woodstock Jr., & Munchie

Mom & Landon- What a great pair!

Eye Update and additional pics...

Last night Brooke and I were concerned that Landon had an eye infection. He was discharging white pus from the corner of the eye and come night time it was nearly swollen shut. We called in a panic to the doctor's office after-hours and made a doctor appointment for this morning. We were thinking it was possibly pink eye because the pus is an indicator but he had no eye redness. Our doctor explained that it was related to a blocked tear duct and while it was a concern for us, it was nothing major. She explained that because their tear ducts haven't started holding tears yet, it can become blocked or clogged. He was also given a fully body exam and everything looked outstanding. Landon continues to gain weight and is back up to 7 lbs. 8 oz. only 4 oz shy of his birth weight. We have been trying to add some pictures to the blog but the website hasn't been loading pics. These are some of the cutest pictures yet and wanted to include Munchie in a few.

Love the Tetzlaff's
Robin, Brooke, Landon, & Munchie

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Baby Blanket

Here are some pictures of the baby blanket that Brooke's grandma made for Landon. She did an amazing job on it and know she found it challenging not knowing the gender. Hard to make a blanket gender neutral.

Brooke & Landon

Here are some great pics of Brooke and Landon over the past two days. Landon has been sleeping well and eating even better. Last night was a little more challenging but overall he is an amazing baby. He is quite active during the day and is constantly kicking his feet and always has his hands near and by his head.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

More pics of the family to enjoy!

This is how I roll....

Today marked yet another first for baby Landon. Yesterday here at home in Dallas it was in the 90's but today was significantly cooler with typical Texas wind. Landon went on his first outdoor walk and seemed to enjoy it, meaning he slept almost the entire time. We purchased a Sleepy Wrap and tried it for the first time today. It seems like it will work really well and will allow us to hold him and yet stay hands-free. Landon made it through the night last night in his portable crib so that was a major accomplishment. Munchie continues to do so well with Landon and we find her laying or sitting near him as much as she can. Tonight we got a beautiful blanket from Brooke's great grandma Parker. I will post pictures of the blanket tomorrow. Landon and I watched most of the Player's Championship this afternoon and spent lots of quality time together. Tonight for dinner I made Brooke stuffed peppers and they were very good. I promise you Munchie wished she could of had one. I have lots of pics to post so please enjoy!
Love the Tetzlaff Family
Robin, Brooke, Landon, and Munchie

Friday, May 8, 2009

Landon's First Friday

Today we had our first doctor's appointment for Landon this morning. She said he is very healthy and doing great for being a week old. We had a few questions and concerns but they were answered. He managed to gain a few ounces these past two days and should be getting back to his birth weight shortly. Tonight we had our first successful web cam chat with my parents and grandma and think they really enjoyed it. Brooke and I loved it because we miss my parents and I wanted to have my grandma see Landon ASAP. As I'm writing this Landon is sleeping next to me in his Boppy while mom is pumping away and we're watching the Rockets vs. Lakers game. On a side note this afternoon we watched many hours of The Players Championship and Landon feel asleep, that doesn't bode well for his future as a golfer. I think he got tired from watching Tiger Woods hit out of the trees all round long. I have included a picture of the outfit I picked out and purchased for Landon's first trip to the doctor. Hope everyone has a good weekend and Landon and I look forward to watching more of the Players Championship. We rewarded Brooke my beautiful and incredible wife and Landon's uber wonderful mom with a pedicure today and think she really enjoyed getting some much needed "quiet" time. That is all we have for now, thanks for looking and GO ROCKETS GO!!

Love The Tetzlaff's
Robin, Brooke, Landon, and Munchie

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Additional Pictures

Landon's Fisher Price Precious Planet Swing
Munchie getting "acquainted" with baby Landon
What a great family I have!!

On the drive home from the hospital. Look at Landon's customized onesies "Spit Happens"....

No place like home!

We finally were discharged today around noon and couldn't have been happier to be home. Mom and dad McNeely brought Munchie back home shortly after and she got to meet little Landon. She was calm and well behaved but doesn't know what to think of him and if she could say something it might be something along the lines of, "can you return it, where it came from." Landon will take a lot of her attention away but we have a plan to make sure she doesn't get jealous. On the drive home Landon lasted about 10 minutes before falling asleep. Brooke and I love reading every one's comments and so glad we decided to share this experience with as many people as possible via this blog. Brooke will be spending 12 weeks at home with Landon and I will not be returning back to work until the end of May. We have some pics to share, so please enjoy!

Love the Tetzlaff Family
Robin, Brooke, Landon, and Munchie