Wednesday, October 20, 2010

It's a girl...

On Friday October 15th, 2010 at 8:57am we welcomed to the world a healthy baby girl. She weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz. and measured in at 19.25 inches. When we found out how much she weighed, we proceeded to ask where was the rest of her. Both of us expected a much bigger baby similar to Landon. We had decided on the name a long time ago Leighton Elaine. Brooke had a great delivery and had to push less than 15 minutes. Leighton was born with significant baby acne but it managed to clear itself up shortly after heading home. Our biggest concern about baby #2 was actually Landon's reaction to her. He is a great big brother and is all about his baby sister. He has been so gentle and careful with the baby and has shown her so much attention. He is always waving at her to say hello, petting her like a dog, and when she sleeps in the boppy he lays his head right next to hers. Every morning when he gets downstairs he goes right to the baby to see her. When we are holding her he brings us her blanket, thinking we need to cover her up more. Brooke and I already are getting cabin fever and hope to get outside shortly. Brooke's milk came in two days ago and Leighton has been feeding well. Brooke and I again feel like we hit the "baby jackpot" and have been blessed with two wonderful gifts! Keep checking back at the blog frequently for new pictures in the coming days/weeks.



  1. Congratulations on your new arrival! She's gorgeous!!

  2. cute! Anna said we need more "girls" on our side. We are very happy for you. Keep updating the is a great way for us to see the kids.

    Paul, Kathy, Anna and Alex

  3. Logan looks so big now! Funny how the second baby ages the first one.. Congrats!

    Too many babies and too many "L" names
