Tuesday, November 16, 2010

All about Landon

Wanted to do a quick update about Landon, since he gets a little slighted with the arrival of Leighton. He continues to expand his vocabulary daily. As of last week he has become obsessed with airplanes. He will hear them, look up and point to every plane he sees. Living near DFW airport this happens all the time. He has a little daredevil in him and can now climb onto the island chairs and our bed. He likes to walk up the stairs holding our hand and the wall, and is getting very comfortable walking down. Our biggest question at this point is, will he be left or right-handed? He can throw a ball really well with both and often switches hands at will. He also has started to feed himself (well) with fork and spoon and loves eating foods that he can dip into condiments (ketchup being his favorite). We taught him to wave at Leighton verses having to touch her and we showed him the baby sign for sleeping, so as to not disturb her. Grandma and Grandpa Tetzlaff came down for a visit recently and Landon got to spend some much needed time with them. As parents we cannot believe how independent he has become and appears/acts so much older than 18 months. Recently we noticed that he has his four eye teeth coming in, which we suspect is a little painful. But not everything Landon does is sweet unfortunately. A few days ago he pulled another boy off a stuffed rocking horse at daycare by the shirt collar. Dillon, the other boy, got mad and bit Landon on the cheek. It looked bad but Brooke and I both found it quite humorous. I'm probably leaving a lot out but wanted to update everyone the best we could. He is such a neat and fun kid and expect him to be a heart breaker in the near future. Thanks for checking out the blog!

Landon's stats:
As of November 8th, 2010
Occupation: Future pilot
Weight: 23 lbs. (bottom 25% for age)
Height: 33 1/2 inches (top 75% for age)

Based on those measurements Landon and I were identical (weight & height) in size at 18 months.

Love the Tetzlaffs

1 comment:

  1. Landon-
    You are growing so fast on us and are so fun. Loved being with you and the candy fight was so fun. Your laugh and watching your desire to be independence is so fun to watch when we get to see you in Texas. We love to come to visit all of you. Can you learn to give kisses by time we see you again? Love- Mom t
