Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ah the things we do for our kids....

So grandma McNeely wanted to get Landon a sandbox for his 1st birthday last year, but he was just too young, so this year is the year. Spring sales have been popping up everywhere, so before they made it back to Texas to visit, we sprung for the box as an early birthday gift from the grandparents. Well, with a small yard, it actually made it a challenge to figure out where to put it. Once we decided on the appropriate corner of the yard, there was just one problem....its the one corner that gets the most shade, and therefore is the most wet. How to solve this problem? Well after mulling it over for a few days, we finally decided to take the plunge and cap the sprinkler head. Sounds easy, but after reading on-line, we actually had to follow it back to the previous head and cap it at that spot in order to prevent freezing of the standing water in the line due to the capping.

Despite our worries about being able to accomplish this correctly, we were successful in capping the line and NOT flooding the yard, yea! In addition, I thought we would have to dig up the whole yard based on where we had to dig back to, but due to a little educated guessing, we had minimal damage to the yard.

We started Landon in swim lessons two weekends ago. We took the camera with us this last time because he had so much fun the first lesson. This time he looked terrified the entire half hour, so we didn't have one good photo opportunity. Maybe next lesson!

Leighton is of course cute as a button. She is just growing growing growing. She just learned to rollover consistently both directions last week. Now we cannot leave her unattended or she will be halfway across the room. She has a very sweet temperament already. She differs from Landon though in that she doesn't laugh a whole lot. She smiles constantly, but not much laughing. I can sometimes get a little giggle out of her, but not very often.

Landon has turned out to be quite the little helper. Even his daycare provider comments on how much he wants to help when none of the other toddlers have any interest in helping. His daily chore (by choice and his demanding!)at both daycare and at home is filling the dog bowl with food. He gets the cup full of food, dumps it in the bowl without missing a kernel and returns the cup to the bin. He is quite a kid.

Grandma and Grandpa T come to visit on April 13 and we can't wait till they come. They are going to be amazed at how much the kids have grown just since Christmas. We hope to have some fun activities planned for their visit as it will be an early birthday celebration with them for Landon's 2nd.

Not much else to report on, other than Brooke isn't really happy with the dog and wants to sell her!

Love, the Tetzlaffs