Monday, May 4, 2009

It's a boy!!

Brooke and I are so proud and happy to announce the birth of a healthy baby boy. He was born on his due date of May 4th at 12:27 am. He weighed in at 7 pounds 12 ounces and measured in at 20.5 inches. Mom and baby are both doing wonderful and is such a precious gift. The birth took place at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. As I write this we have our first official family visitors Mom & Dad McNeely. All the nurses and our doctor agree that he is quite the handsome little guy. Brooke and I are so happy we decided not to find out the gender because the "surprise" made the experience! We will be debating and deciding on a name this afternoon. We expect to have quite a few visitors today and want to make sure we find time for mommy and baby to get some sleep. Brooke and I again are so happy and excited for our newest family member and it's our pleasure to share some first baby photos with everyone.

Robin, Brooke, and Baby T


  1. Aw, I have tears in my eyes. He looks PERFECT! So very handsome. Brooke, you look really good! I hope everything went smoothly. That is amazing that he came on his due date. That never happens. Love you two and we can't wait to meet him. OH, Brenna says he is "so pretty".


  2. Congrats Brooke and Robin....Bethany sent me Mr. T's pictures....what a cutie.

    Jeannine Hanner

  3. What a great little guy! Just perfect. Love the little ears and toes. Can't wait to see him in person in about 18 days or so.

    Love to all,
    Mom T

  4. He is super cute! Just in time for Mother's day:) Congrats!!!

  5. Congratulations Brooke and Robin! Landon is a cutie! We have all been thinking of you and can't believe you actually had him on your due date without induction. He's destined for greatness starting out with that percentage of odds :) Loved your pregnancy pics too!

    Love you all,
    -- The Hale bunch
