Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What's in a name?

After some debate we have finally decided on a name. It was a choice between Bryson and Landon. We liked both but agreed that we liked and preferred Landon. He will be taking my middle name. I would formally like to introduce Landon Elliot Tetzlaff. He had two "snip" operations done this morning. First was the "boy" procedure and he also was born being tongue tied. Both procedures went well and Landon was happy to be back with mom and dad. Mom and dad McNeely are at the hospital again this morning and Jay (Brooke's coworker) is taking photos of mom and baby as I type this. Enjoy the pics of Landon now that he is two days old!
Love Robin, Brooke, Landon, and Munchie


  1. Well, it is about time that you two named that little precious bundle of boy. Brooke, you look wonderful and Robin get some sleep as you look tired. We loved the pics and think that Mick and Cheryl are enjoying holding the baby. Lucky grandparents. Thanks for keeping us informed and we all (Grandmother T) feel we are part of this joyful event. Love to all....
    The Wisconsin Grandparents.....

  2. What a handsome little guy! You both look so happy and proud to be new parents. We are excited for you both and can not wait to meet the newest cousin.

    Mark, Dana, Molly Olson
